A few days ago, PUBG 1.2 Patch notes were released and now the company has started rolling out PUBG 1.2 to the global users. There are tons of new features and changes which you can find below. The best part is the APK and OBB file of the game is now available. The APK size is 613MB in size and if you are planning to download and install it on your device make sure that your device has more than 1.5 GB free space.

PUBG Mobile 1.2 Global

PUBG Mobile Official Website APK Play Store Link

PUBG Mobile 1.2 Patch Notes: The Runic Power Theme and The Power Armor

Runic Power Gameplay (January 12 to March 7) Rune Abilities-Players will choose their Rune energy type on Spawn Island. Flame Rune Arctic Rune Wind Rune Power Armor: Metro Royale’s New Chapter has started- the technological battlefield.

Powered Exoskeleton Extreme Hunt Mode Respawn

Metro Royale: Honor (From January 12) The Newest Chapter New Metro Royale Honor System New Solo Mode Metro Royale Improvements New Firearms, New Options

Game Performance and Other Improvements Basic Performance Improvements: Security Improvements Basic Experience Improvements: Sight Model Improvements Skydiving and Landing Action Improvements

Feature to Cancel Reloading

Firearm Balancing

Other System Improvements Social System Improvements Voice Pack Inventory Improvements Other New Season Content Royale Pass Season 17: RUNIC POWER (January 19 to March 21) New Cheer Park Theme: Dream Team Theme (Feb 9 to Mar 7) Subscription Festival (January 13 to January 27)

Update Reward: Update the game between January 12 and January 17 (UTC+0) to get:

2,888 BP 100 AG Acolyte of Justice Backpack (3d)


Download PUBG Mobile 1 2 Global  APK OBB   New Skin and Features - 13