The newly released Telegram Beta 7.0 for iOS and Android brings the latest video calling feature with multiple useful options. While the Telegram Beta 6.3 for macOS also enables the same video calling feature which was one of the most asked features by the users over a period of time. Although it took Telegram service to bring the video calling option for such a long time as compared to WhatsApp, we will expect that Telegram will come with more improved and additional features for the users that will surely bypass the WhatsApp video calling features in upcoming days.

As mentioned, recently the official Telegram Messenger Twitter handle has announced the new beta update. It also includes profile videos, group stats, 2GB file sharing option, improved People Nearby, and more.

— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) July 26, 2020 Now, all the interested Telegram users can get an early taste of video call feature on the latest Telegram Beta version by enrolling for the beta program. We have to wait for a while for the stable version release with a video calling option as the Telegram developers haven’t mentioned any expected stable release date yet. Keep visiting the blog for more info.

Telegram Video Call Feature included in the latest beta update for Android  iOS  macOS - 20